Solutions and Strategies
Time Management Strategies
Fun exercises illustrate important points about how students spend their time, and how they can become more productive and effective at managing their time.
Read more here.
Passport to Career Success

This creative booklet allows you to create a personalized “passport” for every student, and you can use a rubber stamp to stamp the passport when they attend a workshop — or simply sign and date the provided tracking circle next to the workshop.
Read more here.
How To Conduct A Successful Job Search
A 60 minute course designed to help your students manage their personal brand, find target companies, and identify job openings for which they’re qualified.
Read more here.
Interviewing Strategies for Success
Prepare your students for interviews by getting them to think about commonly asked questions, understand interview preparation, and develop a strong sense of their personal benefits and challenges so they can go in to their interview with confidence, and win the job they want!
Read more here.
Realize Your Career Potential – The Power of Professionalism
Our powerful “Passport to Career Success” series is designed to give you turnkey tools to improve your students’ success in their job search.
Read more here.
Maximizing Your Social Media to Get a Great Job
This workshop toolkit gives you all the tools you need to implement an effective workshop on using Social Media to find a job for your students and graduates.
Read more here.
Writing a Winning Resume and Cover Letter
The Resume and Cover Letter Workshop provides you with the tools to help your students build winning resumes and cover letters to aid them in their job search.
Read more here.
Map to Career Success Workshop
Everything you need to implement a dynamic 90-minute workshop to engage new students in the Career Services process.
Read more here.
The Portfolio Project
Martha Lanaghen presents an introduction to the concepts included in The Portfolio Project, an innovative and comprehensive approach to improving college graduate employment results.
The Queen of Me
In this clip from Martha Lanaghen’s highly acclaimed commencement address, Martha tells a profound story about making choices – good choices.
The Sparrow Group is pleased to present the following tools for your use for free.
We welcome your feedback, please email us at [email protected] if you have suggestions for new tools, or changes to these tools.
Experiential Learning: Closing the Skills Gap and Delivering on the Career Promise
Our exciting webinar on Experiential Learning.
Downlaod the slides here: Experiential Learning Webinar
APSCU Presentation — “They’re Hired” with Ann Cross and Martha Lanaghen
An innovative presentation aimed at giving you tools you can use immediately to improve retention and placement results.
ASPCU Presentation - It Takes A Village: Getting The Whole Campus Involved in Placement Outcomes
Chock full of great ideas about how to involve everyone on campus in the placement process and how to improve placement outcomes.
Career Commitment Contract – First Step in the Innovative Ready 4 Work program
Students will be more successful if they know, right up front, what is expected of them — the Career Commitment Contract should be used during the admissions process, as part of a frank discussion with students. When presented correctly, this has proven to actually improve student’s opinions of the school.
Download Career Commitment for New Students
Ready for Work End-of-Course Capture
The End-of-Course Capture does two key things: a) reminds students that they are learning materials that are pertinent to their career, even if they are general education classes; and, b) creates a toolkit for students to use when they are writing their resume and beginning their job search. This also reinforces the career components to faculty, who are ultimately the ones that are implementing it.
Download Ready for Work End-of-Course Capture
Speaker Checklist
The Sparrow Group’s Speaker Checklist provides helpful suggestions to make your speech effective and enjoyable for your audience.
Download the Speaker Checklist
Great Notes Template
When I’m training a group, I want them to take notes throughout the day — and I also want them to have a consolidated place to capture their action items. This “Great Notes Template” gives you a great example of a “capture” page — that puts all of the key action items in one place. And, the innovative “off track” section, makes sure that attendees stay focused on you, by giving them someplace to capture the off-topic thoughts that pop into our heads throughout the day (like the grocery list!).
Download the Great Notes Template
Career Services — Employment File Checklist Example
Organized files save time and reduce risk — One of the best practices we see when we are interacting with campus Career Services offices, is the use of a focused student file checklist. This document is an example of a form that you might use to ensure that your files are complete, and well organized.
Student Employment File Checklist
Sample Dashboard
This dashboard shows externships, state licensing, students who are engaged in placement, year-to-date placement results, graduate employment success for the week, ACICS or ACCSC, or COE, or DTE statistics
Download the Sample Dashboard.
Webinars and Presentations
Web Radio Show: Publishing Insiders: Speaker Tips for Authors
If you’re hoping to improve your public speaking skills — maybe even start a speaking business, this radio show will help you with countless tactical tips on how to break into public speaking — and how to be as effective as possible. Leader Penny Sansevieri hosts this popular web radio show, and Martha Lanaghen is the featured guest.
CAPPS Presentation: Externship Connection!
Ann Cross presents detailed programs for improving student preparation for their experiential learning programs (externships/internships). Presented in partnership with Pearson Learning and RXPreceptor at the California Association of Private and Post-Secondary Schools meeting.
Click here: CAPPS Externship Connection
Webinar: New Year! New You! Creative Approaches to Changing Your Life!
In partnership with Colorado Christian University, Martha Lanaghen presents detailed information about how to step-up your creativity and innovation at home, and in the office. You’ll learn the keys to effective brainstorming, six great tools for coming up with new ideas, and several hints for sticking to your goals.
Click here: CCU Webinar
Webinar: Student Engagement Strategies for the Career Services Lifecycle!
Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn best practices from around the country. Ann Cross will lead you through detailed strategies for finding grads that are missing, and for engaging them in an active and successful job search. The event was on September 27th. Click here to access the slides from the webinar. The webinar recording is the second link.
Click here: Engaging Students Web document
Click here: Webinar recording